Denisenko, NatashaResearch Scientist

    43 Vassar Street, Office: 46-2137
    Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139

    Phone: (617) 715-4321


    Ph.D., Neuroscience, Rockefeller University
    B.S., Cell Biology, Moscow University


    Natasha obtained her Ph.D. in Fernando Nottebohm lab at the Rockefeller University, where she identified and characterized novel genes expressed in the song nuclei of zebra finch brain, and studied their relation to song learning and plasticity in juvenile birds. She subsequently worked as a senior research scientist affiliated with the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at the INSERM Neuroscience Institute, Paris, France, where she studied proteins associated with Ranvier nodes and molecular mechanisms of myelination. In 2009 Natasha returned to the United States and joined McGovern Institute at MIT where she works on how auditory signals are integrated into the song motor system during vocal learning.

    Fee Laboratory