

Chen Institute symposium at Caltech

Michale Fee studies the neural mechanisms of sequence generation and learning. He is faculty in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an Investigator in the McGovern Institute for Brain Research. He received a B.E. with honors in Engineering Physics from the School of [...]


Finding Neural Patterns in the Din

A new algorithm, called seqNMF, can detect sequences in neural data generated by ‘internal behaviors,’ such as an animal thinking or sleeping. Listening to Mozart’s iconic “Turkish March,” it’s easy to pick out the motifs that recur throughout the piece. But identifying that string of notes would be much more [...]


Brain Scan: singing in the brain

Emily Mackevicius comes to work in the early morning because that’s when her birds are most likely to sing. A graduate student in the lab of McGovern Investigator Michale Fee, she is studying zebra finches, songbirds that learn to sing by copying their fathers. Bird song involves a complex and precisely timed set of movements, [...]


Singing in the brain

Neuroscientists identify neural patterns birds use to learn their songs. Male zebra finches, small songbirds native to central Australia, learn their songs by copying what they hear from their fathers. These songs, often used as mating calls, develop early in life as juvenile birds experiment with mimicking the sounds they hear. [...]


Singing in slow motion

MIT work with songbirds could aid study of humans’ timing As anyone who watched the Olympics can appreciate, timing matters when it comes to complex sequential actions. It can make a difference between a perfect handspring and a fall, for instance. But what controls that timing? MIT scientists are closing in on the brain [...]

Fee Laboratory